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Category Archives: Events & News

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Meat Quality Assurance (MQA) & Showing Livestock 401 Workshop

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The Colorado State Fair is August 22– September 2 in Pueblo, Colorado. The state fair provides a number of opportunities for 4-H and FFA members as well as the general public. Opportunities and general events include, but are not limited to: Horse, Livestock, & Small Animal Shows; Concerts & Other Specialty Events; Various Contests; Rodeos; […]

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4-H Newsletter (March 2024)

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4-H Activity Page-February 2024

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4-H’s (February 2024)

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4-H/FFA Livestock Scholarship Donors Needed!

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4-H Newsletter (February ’24)

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4-H’s (December ’23 / January ’24)

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Holiday Break Activities: Thank You

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Holiday Break Activities: Create Your Own

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