Shooting Sports Requirements
*Shooting disciplines offered are subject to certified instructor availability in the county each year. Please contact the extension office early in the fall or winter if you are interested in becoming a certified instructor to ensure enough time to complete the local 4-H volunteer enrollment process and certified instructor weekend training requirement for each discipline.
*Schedule will be provided to members. Watch your 4H online email for schedule information and changes to scheduled dates throughout the year.
Shooting Sports Fees Due: $35/per shooting sports discipline enrolled in is due each year by the posted deadline (ex. enrollment in shotgun and rifle would equal a fee total of $70). A Late Fee of $10.00 applies after the deadline. Fees are payable to the Extension Office.
March 1: All safety requirements and certification for Hunter’s Safety must be completed to participate in live fire/range activities for the county and state.
*The requirements for minimum project completion and requirements to attend the state shoot are both outlined on the “4-H Shooting Sports Project Requirements & Signature” form. Please read carefully to ensure that you understand all requirements of the project. All participants are required to provide their own ammunition/arrows and safety equipment at shoots.
Safety Meetings– *Will be held in the winter months. *New project members must attend both safety meetings in their first year. Returning members only need to attend one safety meeting.
*Hunter’s Safety Certification: Hunter’s Safety is required for members participating in live fire/range shooting sports activities in the county and for state. Certification must be obtained before the annual project add/drop of March 1st to participate in those items. Check out the Colorado Parks and Wildlife site for more information and class availability at:
Practice Shoots and Scored Shoots– All shoots will be held at the Limon gun range. Shoots will be scheduled for the late spring and summer each year.
Shooting Sports Forms:
Forms 1 & 2 required for all shootings sports members. Form 3 is required for (Western Heritage and/or pistol– *If available in the county). Check for due date of forms each year.
1) 4-H Shootings Sports Project Requirements & Signature Form
2) 4-H Shooting Sports Permission to Participate/Liability Release Form
3) 4-H Hand Gun Permission/Release Form *Required for members enrolled in Western Heritage and/or Pistol.
- Youth Handgun Safety Act Notice
- *All Hunter’s Safety cards (physical copy of card) and information must be uploaded to 4HOnline each year.
Colorado 4-H Shooting Sports Website

County Shoot-Archery Awards