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Category Archives: 4-H

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4-H’s April

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Volunteer Corner: 4-H Logo Reminders

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4-H General Projects Scholarship Due May 1

Lincoln County 4-H Foundation General Project Scholarship application due May 1st!! *This is a scholarship from the County 4-H Foundation to help members with non-livestock projects. *The form is available on the extension website at Exhibit Project Scholarship Application  or go to 4-H Tab, click on “Forms & Applications”, Foundation. Forms must be submitted to the Extension […]

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Activity & Safety-Learning How to Call Poison Control & 9-1-1

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4-H April Newsletter

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Elivia Hilferty Selected as 2019 Lincoln County 4-H Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) Delegate!

Congratulations to Elivia Hilferty on being selected as the Lincoln County Delegate to attend the 4-H Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) trip in Washington, D.C. in June. The County 4-H Foundation and State 4-H Foundation are once again generously sponsoring the complete cost for one county 4-H delegate to attend CWF! The 2019 4-H National Citizenship […]

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4-H’s March

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Safety: Know Where You Live & How to Give or Follow Country Directions!

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Family & Consumer: Healthy Food Resources

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4-H Newsletter (March 2019)

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