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CSU Extension is dedicated to providing educational information and programs that safeguard health, increase livelihood, and enhance well being.
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We had several youth and adults participate in the full First Aid/CPR class and then a more basic CPR/Emergency information class for younger youth and adults. In the First Aid/CPR class youth and adults were able to learn adult, child, and infant CPR, and first aid relating to many topics including choking, bleeding, bites/stings, strokes, […]

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4-H’s (December 2017/January 2018)

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PRESERVE @ HOME -Food Preservation Class By Colorado State University & University of Idaho Extension Where: Online When: January 18-March 1 Cost: $70 Information & Registration Preserve@Home provides research-based food preservation education. Colorado participants learn how to produce high quality preserved foods and the science behind food preservation and food safety. Individuals with little or […]

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Activity Page for Children: December/January

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Safety Corner: Generator’s

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Agriculture Budgets

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“Other” Holiday Meats Food Safety Preparation-USDA

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Outdoor: Winter Lawn & Tree Care Tips

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4-H Shooting Sports Requirements & 2018 Schedule

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Holiday Buffet TIPS-USDA

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