- 01, 20, 2017
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- By cschinzel
- 4-H, Events & News
- 01, 11, 2017
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- By cschinzel
- Business, Family & Consumer, Horticulture, Range, & Crops, Livestock
- 01, 03, 2017
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- By cschinzel
- 4-H, Family & Consumer, Livestock
Safety Focus: Heating Units
As the winter season approaches, we start to turn on additional heating units for the house, barn, shop, and water sources. These devices can be a great resource for keeping us warm, preventing broken appliances and pipes, and ensuring that our livestock are warm and have a continuous supply of water. However, there are associated […]
Take a Tour- 12, 27, 2016
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- By cschinzel
- 4-H
Hunter’ Safety Course Wrap-Up
Thank you to Logan Wilkins and Aaron Berscheid for the great Hunter Education Class they provided as Colorado Parks and Wildlife officers. Twenty-five participants, including a number of 4-H shooting sports members took the class offered this past Wednesday and Thursday at the Tamarack Golf Course Banquet Room and Limon Gun Range. Thank you for […]
Take a Tour- 12, 27, 2016
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- By cschinzel
- 4-H, Livestock
Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) Training Success!
On December 20, 2016 Colorado BQA was able to certify 23 producers at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds!!!!!! A big thank you to Colorado BQA and Libby Bigler for hosting the free Beef Quality Assurance Producer Certification course this past week. Also a thank you to Eastern Colorado Veterinary Clinic for providing the use of their hydraulic chute and […]
Take a Tour- 12, 08, 2016
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- By cschinzel
- 4-H, Business, Events & News, Family & Consumer, Horticulture, Range, & Crops, Livestock, Uncategorized