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Author Archives: cschinzel

Family & Consumer: Pay Stub Basics

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Spring Break Fun-2021 Head Start on 4-H Projects

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Spring Break Fun-2021- St. Patrick’s Day!

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Spring Break Fun 2021-Garden & Yard

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Spring Break Fun-2021- Monday

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Project & Career Spotlight: Welding

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Updated Shearer’s Directory Now Available-

*Attached please find an updated list of shearers in the vicinity to shear sheep, alpacas and llamas. To add someone to the directory, please contact Steve Levalley, CSU Extension Sheep Specialist @ Steve.Levalley@ColoState.EDU

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4-H Newsletter-March 2021

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4-H General Reimbursement Scholarship-4-H Lincoln County Foundation Reminder

Lincoln County 4-H Foundation Reimbursement Scholarship form is available to members for some reimbursement or support of 4-H camps, workshops, and general project supplies. Go to the Lincoln County 4-H/ Extension website and click under “Foundation” to see the form and requirements at

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Lincoln County Beef Weigh-In (4-H & FFA Projects)

Beef Weigh-In is March 6 @ Meier Feedlot ( 48750 Hwy 40/287 Limon, CO) from 8:00-10:00am. This is part way between Hugo and Limon, across the railroad tracks. *Members interested in taking beef animals to state fair will need to notify Robin to receive a state fair nomination form . State fair nomination forms are […]

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