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Author Archives: cschinzel

4-H Newsletter (July/August) 2023

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4-H’s June-’23

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Lincoln County Fair Important Information!!!

*Reminder to read through the June 4-H Newsletter for important updates and fair information. Deadlines Coming up July 1! *Go Online to the fair website for (schedules, entry forms, and information) for 4-H/FFA/Open Class and General Public Information @

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4-H Open House & Meet New Director-July 7!

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Portable Scale Available for Use!

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Activity Page-June ’23

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Animal Information Corner: Antibiotic Purchase Changes in Effect-June 2023

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Outdoor-Grow & Give

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Hoof Trim Day-June 30

Trim Day- -Cost is $40/head (cash only, no bills over $20) -Open to all 4-H & FFA members with beef or dairy cattle projects -7:00-11:30am (Limited Time Slots Available) -RSVP Due by June 22 to 719-743-2542 or -Animals must be halter broken and able to lead -Location @ Eastern Colorado Veterinary Services (474 1st […]

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4-H Newsletter- June 2023

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