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Author Archives: cschinzel

4-H’s- September

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4-H Newsletter-September 2023

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Lincoln County Fair 4-H/FFA Livestock & General Project Results

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4-H Activity Page (July/August ’23)

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4-H Award Nominations Open till September 1

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4-H’s (July/August ’23)

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Beef Ultrasound Opportunity

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Scrapbooks of the Past

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Safety StepUP: Mosquitos

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Lincoln County 4-H Council is selling peaches in July this year!!!

Lincoln County 4-H Council is selling peaches in July this year!!! Orders are due by July 21 or will close when we reach our quantity limit. Full Box -$38.00 (18-22lbs/ 30-40 peaches) Half Box -$22.00 (9-12lbs/ 15-20 peaches) *Due to excess moisture and cooler spring temperatures, picking is delayed this year and delivery will most […]

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