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CSU Extension is dedicated to providing educational information and programs that safeguard health, increase livelihood, and enhance well being.

Category Archives: Livestock

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4-H’s April

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Livestock Project Resources

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4-H Newsletter-April 2021

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Family & Consumer: Pay Stub Basics

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Updated Shearer’s Directory Now Available-

*Attached please find an updated list of shearers in the vicinity to shear sheep, alpacas and llamas. To add someone to the directory, please contact Steve Levalley, CSU Extension Sheep Specialist @ Steve.Levalley@ColoState.EDU

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4-H Newsletter-March 2021

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Livestock Parturition-Seasonal Reminders

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Family & Consumer: W-4 & W-2

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4-H Newsletter (February 2021)


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StrongerTogether #MentalHealth Strong: Potential Signs of Distress & Help Resources

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