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Category Archives: Horticulture, Range, & Crops

2017 AG Outlook & Strategy Forum Wrap-Up

The 2017 Ag Outlook & Strategy Forum area meeting in Limon, CO on February 15, 2017 was attended by approximately 30 producers, financial business members, and crop insurance agents. The Outlook Forums are offered annually in locations across the state to provide an update on the current market situation and provide valuable resources in financial […]

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Private Pesticide Applicator Renewal Courses

Pesticide Applicators Recertification Meetings Click Here to Register Colorado State University Extension is hosting Private Pesticide Recertification sessions at various locations in Northeast Colorado.  Anyone who purchases restricted-use pesticides must have a Private Pesticide Applicator license which is issued by the Colorado Department of Agriculture.  Private Applicator license study guides and exams can be obtained […]

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Colorado AgrAbility Workshops

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Welcome to Lincoln County Extension & 4-H!!!!!!

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