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Category Archives: Events & News

Lincoln County 4-H Newsletter-October ’21

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Thank You to All Fair Buyers and Add-On Contributors!

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4-H’s September 2021

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Annie’s Class Now Starts October 18! Registration Still Open!

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Lincoln County Fair Results 2021

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Food Preservation Workshop-Event Roundup

Thank you to our sponsors of our Food Preservation workshops in Northeast Colorado this Fall: Big R of Limon & Big R Corporate Hoffman Drug CSU Extension

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Annie’s Women in Ag Class-Start September 27th in Limon, CO!

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4-H Newsletter-September 2021

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Shooting Sports County Shoot!

Shooting Sport/ County Shoot Archery Jr. Jack Coraor– 1st Parker Harris-2nd Mcrea Sorensen-3rd Archery Sr. Cody Caton-1st Donovan Harris-2nd Rifle Jr Amy Pinion-1st Brenda Houghton-2nd Makayla Bush-3rd Isaiah Yoder-4th Rifle Sr. Donovan Harris-1st Levi Yoder-2nd Shotgun-Jr. Caden Davis-1st Shotgun– Sr. Cody Caron-1st Gaige Hiferty-2nd

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4-H’s (July/August 2021)

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