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Category Archives: 4-H

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Industry Spotlight: Colorado Beef & You–> Bonus: Color/Essay Contest!

Learn More (Color/Essay Contest):-What: Draw a picture and write a shortessay (less than 1/2 page) about “WhyYou like Beef”.-Who?—>All youth eligible-Submissions Due March 31 to receive 4-H swag!

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Spring Break Fun- Out Loud Challenge

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Spring Break Fun-Community Service, Exercise & You

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Activity Page-March

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Meat Quality Assurance (MQA) Training is April 4th (4-H & FFA Members)-Lincoln County

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Basics of Livestock Nutrition Workshop

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4-H Newsletter (March 2022)

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Activity Page-Feb. ’22

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Lincoln County 4-H Project add/drop Deadline Approaching!

Lincoln County 4-H Project add/drop Deadline Approaching!March 1-Final changes due in 4H Online*Advise the office of any changes made to your 4H account (i.e. project changes, address, phone, etc.). *Hunter’s safety must be completed for all members enrolled in shooting sports that will be participating in live fire activities.

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4-H’s (February 2022)

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