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Category Archives: 4-H

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Activity Page-May 2022

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County 4-H Fun Day & Demonstration Contests

County 4-H Fun Day Date: June 1 Schedule: To be determined, but competitions will be in the morning and Fun Day activities will be in the afternoon. Workshops: Community Service (outdoors) Workshop Cake Decorating Workshop 4-H Opportunities and Jeopardy Workshop Teamworking Workshop Stem Workshop Lincoln County Speech/Jamboree/Demonstration & Creative Cooks Contests will be June 1st […]

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Rural Education Health & Safety Fair

Rural Education Health & Safety Fair Date: May 13 Time: 1-6:00pm Location: Limon Public School Gym Foyer Cost: Free ** The Health & Safety Fair will have lots of booths to allow youth 12+ and adults to learn about health screenings, safety awareness, receive vaccinations, county resources, and provide information on a number of topics […]

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4-H Newsletter- May 2022

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Family & Consumer: Save As A Family!

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Poultry Webinars-2 More (1 in May and June)

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4-H’s (April 2022)

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Purple Up! For Military Kids” is April 15th

Purple Up! For Military Kids” is April 15thHow You Can Be Involved: -Wear Purple on April 15th and post out a picture on social media! -Put up a sign in your home or business window to show your support! “Purple Up! For Military Kids” is a day to wear purple show support and thank military […]

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4-H Activity Page (April 2022)

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Family & Consumer: Save for the Unexpected

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