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CSU Extension is dedicated to providing educational information and programs that safeguard health, increase livelihood, and enhance well being.

4-H Newsletter- May 2022

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Family & Consumer: Save As A Family!

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Poultry Webinars-2 More (1 in May and June)

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4-H’s (April 2022)

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Purple Up! For Military Kids” is April 15th

Purple Up! For Military Kids” is April 15thHow You Can Be Involved: -Wear Purple on April 15th and post out a picture on social media! -Put up a sign in your home or business window to show your support! “Purple Up! For Military Kids” is a day to wear purple show support and thank military […]

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4-H Activity Page (April 2022)

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High Pathogenic Avian Influenza-Information for Poultry Producers

CDA Avian Influenza Webinar Recording Now Available at: Colorado Department of Agriculture-Avian Influenza Information Site and Reporting Information @ CDA’s Emergency Rule Temporarily Suspends All Colorado Poultry Events-> Rule Information @

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Family & Consumer: Save for the Unexpected

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April ’22 (4-H Newsletter)

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Safety StepUP: Heart Attacks & Strokes

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