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CSU Extension is dedicated to providing educational information and programs that safeguard health, increase livelihood, and enhance well being.
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Babysitting Class-June 1!

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4-H Speech, Demonstration, Jamboree, & Creative Cooks Contest-May 31

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4-H Fun Day Workshops

County 4-H Fun Day Workshops Date: May 31 Location : Fairgrounds Building  Time: 9:00am-12:00pm                                                       RSVP required by May 15th  to ensure adequate supplies to

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4-H Project Add/Drop is May 15 for Lincoln County.

4-H Project Add/Drop is May 15 for Lincoln County. Please make those changes as soon as you can in 4H Online. The 4-H Project List is available @ There is a new project “Natural Resources” that is piloting this year.

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4-H Newsletter-May 2023

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4-H’s April 2023

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Animal Information Corner: Ear Notches & Swine ID

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Goat, Sheep, Swine Nominations Due May 1

Goat, Sheep, and Swine Nomination Forms for the Lincoln County Fair are due May 1. There will be no actual weigh-in for these species. Forms can be accessed from our website @ under the “fair tab”. Plan ahead as pic-tures will need to be taken for nomination forms. *Members interested in taking (goat, sheep, […]

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4-H Activity Page-April 2023

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Ask a Vet Night! -April 10

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