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CSU Extension is dedicated to providing educational information and programs that safeguard health, increase livelihood, and enhance well being.
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Ask a Vet Night! -April 10

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Lincoln County 4-H Newsletter- April 2023

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Animal Information Corner: Scrapie & Fair ID Requirements (Sheep & Goat)

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MQA is April 10!

Meat Quality Assurance Training for 4-H/FFA members consists of walk-through (at your own pace) learning stations and a test. The training is required for all members who are enrolled in livestock projects (breeding & market). Lincoln County 4-H & FFA Members will be required to complete MQA as follows:  1x–First year taking a livestock project […]

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Family & Consumer: FDIC Insurance

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4-H Project/Forms Reminders

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Activity Page-March ’23

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4-H’s- March ’23

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4-H Lincoln County Newsletter-March 2023

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4-H Foundation Reimbursement Scholarships

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