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Author Archives: cschinzel

October 2020 4-H Newsletter

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Shooting Sports-Hunter Safety Requirement Reminder

Shooting Sports-All members interested in taking the 4-H shooting sports project in Lincoln County next year need to be sure and obtain their Hunter’s Safety Card before the March 1 add/drop project deadline.  **Until November 14, 2020- Colorado Parks & Wildlife is allowing individuals over 11 to take the certification course entirely online. In-person classes […]

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BQA Training: Cattle Raisers’ Education Day

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September-Kid’s Activity Page

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September 2020 4-H Newsletter

September 2020 NewsletterDownload

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4-H County Award Nominations Due September 1!

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2020 Lincoln County 4-H Truck Raffle-Tickets Available Online!

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Activity Page-July/August

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