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Author Archives: cschinzel

4-H Activity Page (December ’21)

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4-H T-Shirts Available for Order

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4-H’s- December ’21/January’22

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4-H Newsletter (December ’21/January ’22)

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4-H Activity Page-November ’21

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4-H’s-November ’21

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Lincoln County 4-H Achievement Night-21

Lincoln County 4-H Achievement Night: Special Award Winners: -Partner in Success: Dennie Flock -Outstanding 4-H Volunteer: John Thompson -Hall of Fame: Tim & Andrea Andersen -Outstanding 4-H’er: Tressie Golding, Jade Kravig, and Liliana Borders Thank you to all the individuals and businesses that donated to the 4-H Foundation to provide fair awards to youth!!! -Richard […]

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4-H Project Selection Reminder-Tips

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Family & Consumer: Vehicle Buying Power

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Beef Ultrasound Opportunity Event Results

Beef Ultrasound Opportunity Event: Thank you to the Lincoln County Livestock Sale Committee, Eastern Colorado Veterinary Services, and our award donors (Riverbend Ranch, John Thompson, Reid Cattle Co., and Brent Cattle Co.) for their sponsorship of the contest this fall!! Results: Placing Exhibitor 1 Brent, Evan 2 Bee, John 3 Ewing, Haden 4 Ewing, Haley […]

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