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Author Archives: cschinzel

4-H Livestock Judging Meet & Greet

Date: February 19 @ 6:00pm Location: Lincoln County Extension Office *This will be an opportunity for members to meet the livestock Judging coach-Ronny Pope. Members will be able to learn more about livestock judging in general, go over contest opportunities, costs, participation requirements, and ask questions.

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Fair Related & Market Reference Chart & Weigh-In Updates (Beef & Sheep, Goat & Swine) & State Fair Reminders

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Welcome 4-H Members & General Information

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4-H Dog Project Meeting is February 22 at 5:00pm at the fairgrounds. Contact Raejean Palko (text or email) (970) 946-4130 or to RSVP by February 16 for the meeting. **Do Not bring your dog to the first meeting** Bring to the Meeting: Dog leash , last year’s record book (if you have them), dog’s […]

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4-H/FFA Livestock Scholarship Donors Needed!

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4-H Newsletter (February ’24)

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Safety StepUP: Electrical Cord Safety

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4-H’s (December ’23 / January ’24)

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Lincoln County 4-H Shooting Sports Project Information Reminders Members->

Lincoln County 4-H Shooting Sports Project Information Reminders Members-> Fees ($35/discipline) & Forms are due January 31 to the Extension Office CPW is offering 2 Hunter’s Safety Courses in Limon (January 20-21 & February 24-25). You can check out their website for more information and other classes.

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Fair Related: Beef Exhibitors (Brand Inspection Mandatory Changes)

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