General Forms Information:
- Requests for 4-H Agent signatures or recommendation letters must be received a minimum of two weeks before the application deadline. A completed application must accompany all requests and resumes are encouraged as well.
- Late, incomplete, or illegible forms will not be accepted or considered.
- Check all forms or contact the office for deadlines.
- *Download a copy and save a copy of the form before beginning to enter information into any form to ensure that your entries are saved.
- Tips for Successful Completion of Forms
General or Other Forms/Applications:
Project Form
4-H Projects Forms/Applications:
Shooting Sports-
- 4-H Shootings Sports Project Requirements & Signature Form
- 4-H Hand Gun Permission/Release Form *Required for members enrolled in Western Heritage or Pistol.
- 4-H Shooting Sports Permission to Participate/Liability Release Form
- Youth Handgun Safety Act Notice
- *All Hunter’s Safety cards (physical copy of card) and information must be uploaded to 4HOnline each year.
Fair Related
Fair Related Forms/Applications:
- 4-H Animal Care & Housing Form *This form should be filled out in 4H Online unless the animal is not housed at your property and then a paper copy with signatures should be utilized.
- Poultry & Rabbit ID Form
- Market Rabbits-4-H members will need to fill out the nomination form and submit the form as a file upload under (animals in 4H Online) (for each entry group-i.e. pen of 3 rabbits) and their tattoo numbers for that entry.
- Market Poultry-4-H members will need to fill out a nomination form for each poultry species entry and attach the form as a file upload under (animals in 4H Online). All tag numbers can be entered for each entry group (i.e. pen of 3 broilers).
- All FFA fair exhibitors must fill out the form and nominate their market poultry and rabbits by the annual stated deadline.
- Beef-Market beef must attend annual weigh-in and tagging. All brand inspection and ownership changes (including home-raised) must be completed before weigh-in.
- Swine, Sheep, and Goats-Market animals must be tagged and ID information entered in 4H Online by the stated annual deadline for 4-H members. FFA members will need to complete a nomination form and attach pictures as stated on the form.
- Example of Ear Notches and how to identify in pigs
- Horse ID Form *For FFA members only. 4-H members need to fill out Horse IDs in 4H Online each year by the stated deadline.
- Dog- Members must fill out IDs in 4H Online each year as stated by the deadline.
- FFA Fair Enrollment Form
- County Fair Forms & Information (General Projects, Livestock, Horse, Open Class, Ag Mechanics, Fashion Revue, Rancher’s Pen of Three, Other)
State Fair:
Colorado State Fair Livestock (Facebook Page) Updates & Information
Those wishing to go to state fair for 4-H market livestock need to notify the local extension office in early February to ensure timely completion of the nomination process including DNA submission.
*Nomination is not the same as entry for state fair. Actual entries for the state fair must be completed in additional to nomination forms. Refer to the state fair website for information and procedures.
State Fair-General Exhibits
County & State Related
Lincoln County Demonstration/Speech/Jamboree Contest Entry Form
Awards Form
Awards or Recognition Forms/Applications:
4-H Foundation App.
Lincoln County 4-H Foundation Forms/Applications:
- County 4-H Foundation provides reimbursement funding opportunities as funds are available for 4-H events, 4-H senator camp attendance, camps, 4-H contests, and general 4-H projects. Review the application forms for specific information and deadlines.
- Citizenship Washington Focus Scholarship- All members 15+ in 4-H age are eligible to fill out the annual application. This scholarship covers 100% of the costs of the trip for one delegate each year with a portion paid by the State 4-H Foundation. *Funding is subject to annual availability. Final annual details regarding cost coverage and eligibility will be sent out once known. **The application/registration will be through 4H online.
- Lincoln County 4-H Foundation offers a scholarship for graduating 4-H members. Funding is subject to annual availability. Dates are subject to change.
Livestock Sale App.
Livestock Sale Committee Forms/Applications:
- Livestock Scholarship Program Rules & Agreement
- Beginning Livestock Program Rules & Agreement
- Livestock Scholarship Program Application.word
- Livestock Scholarship Program Application.PDF
- Lincoln County Breeding Heifer Scholarship Rules & Agreement
- Lincoln County Breeding Heifer Scholarship Application.word
- Lincoln County Breeding Heifer Scholarship.pdf
- Lincoln County COOP Steer Scholarship Rules & Agreement
- Lincoln County COOP Steer Scholarship Application.word
- Lincoln County COOP Steer Scholarship.PDF
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